SPECIAL CONFERENCE – Nov. 14-15, 2014 –
“Fukushima II + Ebola” – Two day conference - Day 1 Ebola Health
issues – Day 2 Radiation Health issues – www.fukushimasolutions.com
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves
amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling
through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar
to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he
appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He
rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night
to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so
that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor
is the plague." - BY Marcus Tullius Cicero
(106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher
and Orator
"Search history and see what
has been the fate of every nation that abused its credit. It is the
same, only more awful in its magnitude and its consequences, as that
of the spendthrift individual.
And it will profit us nothing to conserve what we have remaining of
the great national resources
that were the dower of this continent unless we preserve the
national credit as more precious than
BEAT." --- E.C. Knuth author of "The Empire
of The City"
CITY NETWORK - Produces and Directs many live Web Casts
through-out the nation in addition to producing "The Secret Truth" a
live weekly radio program
george co-hosts
"The Secret Truth"
with Charlotte Littlefield Brown,
Listen to"The Secret Truth"
Live - Wei
Jingsheng (right) the leading advocate for freedom and
Democracy in China has been an
honored guest several times. He has been
George Greenville Butler's
"The Weapon of Mass Reconstruction" Solution!
IDEA that
had Weapons of Mass Destruction was used as propaganda to go
to war with
Iraq. Later and especially
today many draconian laws based since 911 are being used to
put America
down and impose upon
America a New World Order,
an order created and controlled by an international cartel
of financial interests. In “Cinderella” time was running out
after the Ball for Cinderella to return home, also time
unfortunately is running out for
America, so time is truly
of the essence.
was created from out of British dominated colonies and was
morphed, and evolved by a yearning to be free, free to
worship, to work and to prosper. This great inherent
yearning to be free gave rise to a dynamic of truth seeking
unprecedented in the world’s history.
America in this mode of
truth seeking especially fleshing out new political systems
supported scientific discovery. These dynamics together
synergistically gave rise to rebelling against
Great Britain which wasn’t
as much a rebellion against a dominate state but was more a
greater higher minded revolt against the suppression of
humankind by financial interests practicing money-mind
sorcery. The ancient systems of hidden rule even to
contemporary systems may be described as follows:
money question is important because over the ages the world
has been dominated by the money changers. These money men
have evolved a system over centuries, that has given
themselves control over the world’s peoples. Today we find
these money people controlling through their financial
entities presiding over a dialectic devolving world
swirling, whirling, tumbling into a chaos theory of mad
scientists, physicists without absolutes who teach lay gurus
of Gaia, the falseness of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
Principle, wiring a conduit into the world mind to mesmerize
into a state of subjectivism one controlled by the
externally stimulated media.
must awaken from this mesmerized state this conditioned
deluded state, and arise to a new state of being, of
existing, of walking the true path of enlightenment
harboring no resentments, no hatreds forgiveness filling our
hearts but still wary of man’s ways. Into this Aquarian Age
we go into an era of Fascism, of a mad world ruled by insane
Luciferian-Satanists. There is a difference between good and
evil imagine a line on one end is Goodness and on the other
Evil.Goodness on one end of the line
can be described as enlightenment while Evil on the opposite
end can be described as ignorance. To be wise is to be
enlightened and to be ignorant is to be evil at times caught
up in a deluded unknowing state.Do the
evil ones ever come out of the delusion? They almost never
awaken from their sleep of evil for to be caught up into
ones self, totally self absorbed is to be ignorant
unknowingly of thy self, evil unto the grave.
Scientific evidence exists that proves that the 911 event
was not as the government described but resembles more of a
false flag operation. Dr. Steven Jones
www.stj911.org/members/index.html a retired physicist
from Brigham Young University has irrefutable proof of
Thermite reactions, Thermate being present and found within
residue of dust from the WTC site and also of iron rich
spheres only formed in steel making processes which were
also found present in the dust from the WTC site.In addition Richard Gage
www.ae911truth.orgfrom San
Francisco a practicing A.I.A.
architectural and engineering professionals
and 8,936 other supporters including A&E students who have
signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly
independent investigation of 911. These two findings and
studies are evidence that the government’s explanation of
911 is false.
has perpetrated the 911 false flag event upon America,
because America is still a bastion of freedom and is still
God centered and that’s the primary reason America’s enemies
are trying to destroy the goodness and American ideals, that
America has spawned, these evil ones consider themselves
god-men reaching for greatness but failing one another being
mere mortals. 911 is being used as manipulative tool much as
Pearl Harbor was used to mobilize the American
public for war. The result of this false flag event is that
is losing its freedoms and liberties based upon a falsehood
and the American public being
traumatized by 911 do not realize they are being mind
controlled to bring
under the dominance and control of international financiers
who are building a fascist world government established with
the 911 lie.
President Barack Obama’s administration is controlled by the
most power cartel in the world made up of World Dominate
Financial entities that not only are supporting a collective
world government but are nurturing one that is more fascist
than democratic. There is a long history of the ultra
capitalists spawning a collective world government with peon
citizens vying for benefits dolled out by a powerful fascist
state. The recent Financial Summits are the final planning
stages of such a new world fascist state controlled by
powerful financial interests.
attended the Freedom Fest held at Bally’s Casino in 2009 in
Las Vegas and while reporting from
the conference I began to perceive a distinctive consensus
that many of these wealthy attendees were becoming very
frightened by Barack Obama’s attack on private property.Many wealthy individuals are now seeking ways to
protect their wealth and even Russ Limbaugh is now making
pronouncements about the new administration, along with its
supporters intent on expanding their wealth at the expense
of anyone who resists their goals. Their goals are evil and
must be resisted, and there is a way to overcome this
tyranny, using the weapon of mass reconstruction-911 truth
movement.Many important
individuals are standing tall and working against their
diabolical system.
The Founding-Father of the 911 Truth Movement is Alex Jones,
the brave and courageous Broadcaster-Journalist-Documentarist
of Austin, Texas, a truth seeker who is presently coming
under increasing attack. The powerful, in possession of our
government have used 911 to bring
America down, intentionally
to destroy the last shining light of a government based upon
citizens being kings and the government being the servant.
The American Revolution was led by men who yearned to be free
and understood the danger of banking interests in control of
the government, and now that fear of our founding fathers
has come true.
Weapon of Mass Reconstruction is the 911 Truth
and I
call uponall citizens to join together
and take back,
country before it is lost to international interests.
george greenville
George Butler's initial Report from his assignment at the G-20.
I attended the G-8, G-20 Summits held in Toronto, Canada
June 24-27, 2010, there I witnessed two opposing views an uprising
against the New World Order, and unfortunately a rubber stamping, a further
parroting of the G-20 party line. On Saturday there were Police car burnings,
marches (numerous) many acts of vandalism. On Monday morning June 28, 2010, I was
listening to John Oakley
on Monday morning 640am radio a well known Toronto
Broadcaster while driving from Toronto to Buffalo, New York, he said while live
on the air that he had received confidential e-mails from Toronto police who
were on duty during Saturday afternoon on the scene that they could have made
arrests of some of the vandals but were held back from doing so by their
supervisors. Saturday afternoon hundreds of
different groups comprising virtually thousands marched down University
Avenue a divided street that at times filled both north and south bound lanes. I
video-taped the entire march and then decided to move back to the International
Media center where I continued to report on the G-20 Summit and later from The
International Media Center I would live stream the city television
feed to our viewers on
www.liveonlocation.tv Charlotte Littlefield and I also had a simulcast
of our live radio program "The Secret Truth"
www.thesecrettruth.com while we were streaming live
street shots supplied by city television Toronto. In addition I have included in
this report still shots from a photographer who took some extraordinary
photographs his name, Benjamin King who graciously provided me the photos
embedded in this report.
Real Anarchists?
I was on the street and had cause to examine
the so called Anarchists who committed the vandalism during the Saturday may
helm, in my opinion the destructors broke down into different groups, hardcore
Anarchists, Anti Capitalists,
and mixed in were some Agent Provocateurs who were difficult to spot except for
clothing details. There were obvious plain clothes officers wearing new protest
clothing and riding new bicycles sporting the latest cleanest bicycle clothing.
There were 70 arrests made Sunday morning on the Campus some of who were members
of The Anti-Capitalist Convergence group from Montreal, who are ardently against
capitalism and are definitely on the far left. There was real property
destruction and in my opinion it was due to some hardcore extremists encouraged
by agent provocateurs, long before the activities began. The protest was more
Anti-Capitalism than purely an Anti G-20 protest. The privately owned Central
banks of the world represented at this summit by the G-20 nations are furthering
the aspirations of the international banking elites so now that the secret of
money creation out of thin air, is becoming more prevalently known the masking
of monopolistic capitalism and money creation by private interests has
been revealed and the evolving from the already existing corporate state would
naturally evolve into and dynamically result in political fascism, which is
the real threat.
Canada's Identity
When in Canada Americans need to remember that
Canada relates to and is still part of Great Britain. Canada is a federation
consisting of ten provinces and three territories, governed as a parliamentary
democracy and constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of
state, furthermore Canada is a Commonwealth realm which is a
sovereign state within the Commonwealth of Nations that has Elizabeth II as its
monarch. The mindset of the average Canadian is peaceful, socialist, inclusive
and accepting of all, they tend to be statists believing in government, middle
class, honest, loyalty to the Queen is a mixed bag, with strong support of Labor
Unions as a reaction to Monopolistic Capitalism's excesses which is little
understood by Canadians who like Naomi Klein attack Capitalism ignoring the
monopolistic corrupt aspects of modern Capitalism that render the failures, not
the system of Capitalism. The Fabian Society has been quietly nurturing
and fostering socialism both in Great Britain and Canada, an indication that the
big money has always supported the growth of socialism as a means to expand a
statist system where all subjects would have to petition the state for
entitlement benefits, thus helping to establish a centralized state
Police State
The cost of security for the G-20 Summit was
well over a billion dollars so many Canadians today are questioning the wisdom
of spending that much money on this event. There were over 10,000 police
officers brought into Toronto from all over Canada and there were troops on
alert in case the police were unable to handle the unrest.
were over 900 people arrested and they were taken to the Toronto Film
Studio on Eastern Avenue and detained, but by Monday morning according to
authorities only 172 were still being held.
The police all carried riot gear and
there some special police equipped with additional padding and armor, plus tear
gas who would be sent in to disperse crowds. Toronto Police Chief Blair admitted
on Tuesday that the public was deliberately mislead about a new law that
made it an offence to be closer than 5 meters to the G-20 fence in downtown
Toronto. The law never applied to the G-20 security fence. He indicated he
mislead the public and did so to discourage law breakers, he said during a press
conference held Tuesday "I was trying to keep the criminals out,". The
question would arise after experiencing the Canadian experience, does a police
state already exist or would it better be described as an authoritarian state
that rules with an iron fist inside a velvet glove. The rules are intense and
the population being many immigrants are subject to rigorous policing a very
aggressive law enforcement that attains fines, fees for the state in an economy
of minimum wage earners with a heavy presence of shopkeepers in the Toronto
G-20 Future - becoming a Permanent Institution
The G-20 concluded their meeting behind closed
and carefully guarded doors, fenced inside a 3 meter high fence that was
installed downtown to protect the G-20 members. Prime Minister Stephen Harper
swore to cut their debt by 50% by 2015 with President Obama warning fellow G-8
and G-20 colleagues to be careful in continuing their stimulus so that their
economies would not stall. The Chancellor Merkel in her policy statements
indicated during the Greece crisis and several times afterward expressed the
German view of belt tightening so that her viewpoint along with support from the
G-8 to a degree won the day in
Toronto. Carroll Quigley predicted in 1962 writing in "Tragedy and Hope"
about a World government bought about by the world dominant bankers.
Earlier institutions such as Leaders 20www.l20.org has been working toward world
governance and has a heavy Canadian contingent. This could be one reason Toronto
was the meeting place of this latest G-20 Summit. The intent of the G-20 group
is to establish a permanent G-20 group institution that would usher in a new
international financial structure thereby establishing a New World Order.
Videos - Raw - edit into your stories - use
you browser to download
Charlotte Littlefield
Brown's Video Interview with Steve Allen
Steve Allen sighted gigantic craft
moving from the Glen Rose area to the west and later he saw it as it
as it was being chased by F-16s from the west to the east.
George Mason
University Lectures
Nov. 15, 2008 - speaks at George Mason University on
"Your World Your Financial Future - From Bretton Woods I to Bretton
Woods II - From Independent Nation-States to a Integrated
Interdependent World"
Joan Veon
Speaks at George Mason University Nov. 15, 2008
RICHARD C. COOK - speaks
at George Mason University
Richard C.
Cook speaks at George Mason University Nov. 15, 2008
Blackwater Busted? November 14, 2008 Six
Guards may be charged in Iraq massacre, but critics fear the
company's 'reckless behavior' will continue
COVERAGE of Ron Paul speaking in Buffalo Bayou Park
at the "End The Fed Rally"
10am-1pm 1801 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019 across from the
Houston Branch of the Dallas District #11 of The Federal Reserve
System - follows is a recording of that live event
Ron Paul Speaks at The End The
Fed Rally on Nov. 22, 2008 at Buffalo Bayou Park, Houston,
Texas - George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown
interview Bruce Bolock and add commentary
David Barrow III. Cinetographer, Sound Production
Engineer, Photographer and student of Neuro-Linguistic
NLP - The Focus tonight will be on NLP with other related subjects
also discussed such as The National Training Laboratories, The
Tavistock Institute, Humanistic Psychology and related subjects.
David Barrow Productions has been serving the Austin
and Central Texas area since 1988 with a variety of audio and visual
production services, including live and studio engineering, sound
system rentals, audio equipment rentals, remote digital recording of
live events and audio consulting. We also offer web and graphic
design services.
David Barrow Productions was started by David Barrow
in 1988 for the purpose of providing live sound reinforcement for a
popular local cover band, The Bizness. Since then David has steadily
expanded both the equipment inventory and scope of the business to
include a whole range of services supporting local bands, live
musical and multimedia performances, clubs, area festivals,
seminars, sports events, church events, etc.
In the last few years David Barrow Productions has
expanded into the areas of web design, graphics design, digital
photography and video. Any new technologies and techniques that can
enhance or add to the services we offer are continuously being
A native of
Fort Worth, Texas, Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in
journalism from the
University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate
School at
Texas Tech in
Lubbock. He has worked for several Texas newspapers,
including the
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where, beginning in 1968, he
served as police reporter and general assignments reporter
covering stories locally, in
Europe, and in the
Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth
Army intelligence unit during the
Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the
newspaper and an
investigative reporter.