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Broadcast Date: Sunday 04-28-2002
Broadcast Address: From the Studios of
Green City Network - news - GCNnews
2605 Jones Road Ste. 105
Austin, Texas 78745
Broadcast Time: United States Sunday evening 9 P.M. EDT New York
Announcer - This is Kirk Wesley with GCNnews, Green City Network
news bringing you World Review Commentary broadcasting Sunday evening from our Studios in Austin, Texas, USA
Our Mission Statement:
To Better Inform, Evolving Information and Knowledge into Wisdom
The program is available as an Internet Broadcast - on demand from our web site:
Now our Commentator George Butler
The Church is divided
from within with traditionalists against modernists and is still under attack by dark forces.
Malachi Martin before his death wrote and spoke out insightfully of the
onslaught of evil forces being unleashed against the Church. Malachi spent years
in the Church and through his investigations and insight grew to believe that
the smoke of satan had entered the Church and was slowly destroying the Church
from within. Martin's last completed book was a novel entitled
"Windswept House"
that set out a scenario where the
Church had been dedicated to satan and that top officials of the Church were
aware of this dedication. This is a quote out of the book, speaking about the
"Far better to make that institution into something truly
useful. To homogenize and assimilate it into a grand worldwide order of human
affairs. To confine it to broad humanist - and only humanist - goals"
These goals seem eerily similar to the goals of
The Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies,
headquartered in Aspen, Colorado. There the institute has been indoctrinating,
scholars, journalists and corporate leaders in humanism. In addition The Aspen
Institute can be credited with the creation of the Public Broadcast System which
professes and teaches, Scientific, Secular and Religious Humanism which is a
large part of their programming. To further this humanist man centered view
churches have been humanized and many institutions merely create smoke screens
to obscure truth and substitute other ideas to seduce our minds, leading us down
rabbit trails to no where. In Martin's books the devil's technique of using men
to separate men from God is repeated.
For Malachi Martin to have written
such a novel about the Vatican concerning such subjects is very disturbing and
begs us to pay close attention whether one is catholic or not.
Martin wrote other books during his
lifetime that enabled many to become more enlightened, this few other writers
ever accomplish.
Today the scandal that is affecting
the Church was predicted by Father Malachi Martin. He strove to defend the
Church till the end, he worked to exorcise evil from the Church till the end and
no ad hominem attack will ever besmirch his memory. God Bless and Keep
Father Martin in our memories for he meant well and his work speaks for itself.
Now some closing statements.
"Know Thy Self"
"Know Thy Thoughts"
"Know Thy World"
The first "Know Thyself" was a saying used by Socrates to teach. This saying helps one to understand their own personality and character traits so that one might be able to reform those negative traits.
The second, "Know Thy Thoughts" denotes a process of being able to observe ones thoughts as they are unfolding and how those thoughts mold one's actions.
The third "Know Thy World" is a journey of discovery of worldly things. We should endeavor to discover those systems that control us through a systemized state of debasement.
In the end we must expose and reveal truth, so we might speak for freedom, a freedom built up by a belief in God, humbling oneself, bending thy knee to a higher power and redirecting of one's soul in a new direction where worldly things are unimportant and Godly things the only path, the only way, the only direction.
In Closing remember these words:
"World Review Commentary is broadcast every Sunday evening at 9P.M.
EDT New York, Internet on demand from web site:
www. greencity.com/worldreview.htm
and you can e-mail us at
Fax us with your comments: area code 512 892-5645
Next a closing comment
"The Delusion HIDES The Delusion"
"Thanks again for listening and good-bye from your
announcer Kirk Wesley - the greatest speaking voice the world will never know"