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Broadcast Date: Sunday 04-21-2002
Broadcast Address: From the Studios of
Green City Network - news - GCNnews
2605 Jones Road Ste. 105
Austin, Texas 78745
Broadcast Time: United States Sunday evening 9 P.M. EDT New York
Announcer - This is Kirk Wesley with GCNnews, Green City Network
news bringing you World Review Commentary broadcasting Sunday evening from our Studios in Austin, Texas, USA
Our Mission Statement:
To Better Inform, Evolving Information and Knowledge into Wisdom
The program is available as an Internet Broadcast - on demand from our web site:
Now our Commentator George Butler
It is more difficult to establish
truth today then in the past. The gigantic growth and explosion of multimedia
giants is spawning a burst of information, news, and publishing that is
overwhelming the average individual. This rush of media is drowning us in a sea
of misinformation and disinformation that creates and re-enforces already
existing world views and belief systems. These existing systems of thought were
seeded into us by our families who had not the snap nor were street smart enough
to have reared us with a minimum of slave state contamination. In addition
individuals using desktop publishing means are spewing forth all kinds of ideas
that unfortunately feed into a system of chaos or totally flows a swifter
whirlpool of disinformation, misinformation. There are a few individuals that
seek truth but are little supported and have little or no capital. It seems
those who care most about truth care the least for money, nor the material
wealth that money buys. The real insiders know the way the world system works
and maintain secrecy through the creation of ideas and illusions making it
difficult to report accurately on the world system as outsiders.
To seek truth has always been the
most noble of goals, if not the greatest goal. The modern confounding of truth
synergistically furthers the money based oligarchy so the system that has
evolved is a self perpetuating system of money capitalization furthered through
deception. The dynamic of deception is not always planned but because of human
nature the money system is furthered because everyone wins except freedom which
loses big time, worldwide. Three general techniques are being used to achieve a
global slave state
Gradualism is a technique that the
Fabian Society used in converting England into a socialist state.
Distraction is the technique used
to divert the public from the fleecing operation of the master thieves.
Division is the technique used to
keep the public from forming a power base necessary to throw the scoundrels out,
reestablishing truly nation security.
The World Wide Web
is facilitating a means to expose the hidden system of rule but human nature and
delusion are enemies of freedom so all efforts must be made to come out of the
delusion, focusing and clarifying truth as delusion wanes. In opposition to
truth are billionaires with huge egos thinking themselves gods, nevertheless the
pagan gods of Greece fell and so too will these.
Now some closing statements.
"Know Thy Self"
"Know Thy Thoughts"
"Know Thy World"
The first "Know Thyself" was a saying used by Socrates to teach. This saying helps one to understand their own personality and character traits so that one might be able to reform those negative traits.
The second, "Know Thy Thoughts" denotes a process of being able to observe ones thoughts as they are unfolding and how those thoughts mold one's actions.
The third "Know Thy World" is a journey of discovery of worldly things. We should endeavor to discover those systems that control us through a systemized state of debasement.
In the end we must expose and reveal truth, so we might speak for freedom, a freedom built up by a belief in God, humbling oneself, bending thy knee to a higher power and redirecting of one's soul in a new direction where worldly things are unimportant and Godly things the only path, the only way, the only direction.
In Closing remember these words:
"World Review Commentary is broadcast every Sunday evening at 9P.M.
EDT New York, Internet on demand from web site:
www. greencity.com/worldreview.htm
and you can e-mail us at
Fax us with your comments: area code 512 892-5645
Next a closing comment
"The Delusion HIDES The Delusion"
"Thanks again for listening and good-bye from your
announcer Kirk Wesley - the greatest speaking voice the world will never know"