Initial List of Rhodes Scholars

BB=Bilderberger CFR=Council on Foreign Relations RS=Rhodes Scholar S&B=Skull and Bones (Yale) TC=Trilateral Commission

Name                                                                Particulars

C. S. Abbott                                  RS 1967
Charles David Abbott                          RS24
Morris Berthod Abram                          CFR/RS
Luton Ackerson                                RS16
Ernest Tolbert Adams                          RS11
W. B. Adams                                   RS 1947
Williams Forbes Adams                         RS21
B. L. Adell                                   RS 1961
Edgar Holt Ailes                              RS27
Carl Bert Albert                              RS
A. S. Albro                                   RS 1954
Cary Rudolph Alburn                           RS05
J. R. Alexander                               RS 1967
J.D. Alexander                                RS 1954
James Alexander Farmer                        RS21
Leigh Alexander                               RS05
C. C. Allen                                   RS 1948
D. Allen                                      RS 1955
Ned Bliss Allen                               RS23
T. H. Allen                                   RS 1967
F. W. Aller                                   RS 1969
David Muir Amacker                            RS17
R. D. Amado                                   RS 1954
W. J. Amoss                                   RS 1969
B. C. Anderson                                RS 1956
C. T. Anderson                                RS 1949
Dudley Babcock Anderson                       RS07
George W. Anderson, Jr.                       CFR/RS16
Montgomery Drummond Anderson                  RS22
Raymond Wesley Anderson                       RS18
Troyer Steele Anderson                        RS23
W. D. Anderson                                RS 1947
R. A. Anthony                                 RS 1965
Edward McPherson Armstrong                    RS05
Joseph Barlett Armstrong                      RS16
William Hendrick Arnold, Jr.                  RS14
W. W. Arrowsmith                              RS 1948
Frank Davis Ashburn                           RS25
Stanley Royal Ashby                           RS04
D. E. Ashford                                 RS 1950
R. F. Ashman                                  RS 1969
Roscoe Ashworth                               RS17
T. B. Atkeson                                 RS 1947
J. R. Atlas                                   RS 1971
Warren Ortman Ault                            RS07
Frank Aydelotte                               RS05
D. W. Baad                                    RS 1957
D. N. Bach                                    RS 1965
John Rea Bacher                               RS18
R. W. Bachman                                 RS 1966
Charles Rutherford Bagley                     RS17
Benjamin May Baker, Jr.                       RS23
Richard Hindry Baker                          RS22
Robert Farnham Baker                          RS28
Robert Lee Baker                              RS25
Ernest Roscoe Baltzell                        RS19
Willard Titus Barbour                         RS08
George Emerson Barnes                         RS04
Walter Carl Barnes                            RS13
Allen Barnett                                 RS11
Frank Stringfellow Barr                       RS17
Stringfellow Barr                             RS
Bryton Barron                                 RS18
Alexander Kirkland Barton                     RS16
Miner Searle Bates                            RS16
Robert Henry Baugh                            RS27
Hubert Kingsley Beard                         RS11
Edgar Elliot Beaty                            RS26
Richard Capel Beckett                         RS07
Radcliffe Harold Beckwith                     RS20
Cedric Harding Beebe                          RS11
Francis Foulke Beirne                         RS11
Thomas Sydney Bell                            RS05
Irvine Furman Belser                          RS11
Edmund Olaf Belsheim                          RS27
Joseph Dexter Bennett                         RS24
Ralph Hervey Bevan                            RS04
John Howard Binns                             RS16
James Howard Bishop                           RS16
William Maxwell Blackburn                     RS23
Berkeley Blackman                             RS07
Maurice Cary Blake                            RS11
Robert Edwin Blake                            RS08
Shirl Hyde Blalock                            RS07
William John Bland                            RS10
Brand Blanshard                               RS13
Ralph Eugene Blodgett                         RS04
William Bryan Bolich                          RS21
Ernest Russel Boller                          RS26
Arthur Doerr Bond                             RS25
Daniel J. Boorstin                            RS
David Lyle Boren                              RS/S&B 1963
Reuben August Borsch                          RS25
Boardman Marsh Bosworth                       RS19
Wayne Cook Bosworth                           RS13
Carleton Goldstone Bowden                     RS14
Charles Caldwell Bowie                        RS22
James Insley Boyce                            RS10
John Brademas                                 BB/CFR/RS/TC
Hugh Bradley                                  RS24
William ("Bill") Bradley                      CFR/RS
Joseph August Brandt                          RS21
Raymond Peter Brandt                          RS18
William Henry Branham                         RS05
Bennet Harvie Branscomb                       RS14
Carter Marshall Braxton                       CFR/RS24
William Arthur Breyfogle                      RS28
Charles Simonton Brice                        RS10
Crane Brinton                                 CFR/RS19
Frank Baker Bristow                           RS10
Thomas Parmelee Brockway                      RS22
Robert Bigham Brode                           RS24
Philip Henry Brodie                           RS13
Bertrand Harris Bronson                       RS22
C. F. Tucker Brooke                           RS04
Robert Preston Brooks                         RS04
Robert R. R. Brooks                           RS26
Ford Keeler Brown                             RS19
Julius Arthur Brown                           RS04
Matthew Alec Brown                            RS08
Wallace Cable Brown                           RS27
Walter Lindsey Brown                          RS26
Henry Chase Brownell                          RS10
Homer Lindsey Bruce                           RS13
Leslie M. Bruce                               RS23
Henry Van Anda Bruchholz                      RS13
Hugh McLellan Bryan                           RS10
Walter Speight Bryan                          RS10
Floyd Sherman Bryant                          RS13
Scott Milross Buchanan                        RS17
Frederick William Buchholz                    RS05
Philip Wallenstein Buck                       RS23
Robert Wilbur Burgess                         RS08
Robert Emmett Burk                            RS23
Leroy James Burlingame                        RS19
Jefferson DeMent Burrus, Jr.                  RS27
Arthur Keeler Burt                            RS23
William Russell Burwell                       RS16
Charles Whiteley Bush                         RS04
Vincent Kingwell Butler                       RS11
William Walton Butterworth                    RS24
Eldridge Houston Campbell, Jr.                RS23
Walter Stanley Campbell                       RS08
Erwin Dain Canham                             M33/RS26
John Porter Carelton                          RS22
Raymond Giddens Carey                         RS24
William D. P. Carey                           RS22
Oliver Cromwell Carmichael                    RS13
Neil Carothers                                RS04
Rhys Carpenter                                RS08
Ralph Moore Carson                            CFR/RS18
Charles Willard Carter, Jr.                   RS19
Francis Bayard Carter                         RS18
George Gray Carter                            RS23
Clarence Austin Castle                        RS14
Richard ("Dick") F. Celeste                   CFR/RS
Gordon Keith Chalmers                         RS26
Newcomb Kinney Chaney                         RS07
Eugene Parker Chase                           RS16
John Waddell Chase                            RS26
Charles Marvin Chatfield                      RS21
Arthur Shamberger Chenoweth                   RS07
James Saxon Childers                          RS21
Thomas Warren Childs                          RS28
James Morris Christensen                      RS21
Paul Christopherson                           RS24
Dean Alexander Clark                          RS27
John Murdoch Clarke                           RS19
Charles Russell Clason                        RS14
Hervey Milton Cleckley                        RS24
Herbert Eugene Clefton                        RS19
Harlan B. Cleveland                           BB/CFR/RS
William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton              BB/CFR/RS/TC
Herbert Green Cochran                         RS08
William Johnston Cocke                        RS26
Robert P. Tristram Coffin                     RS16
Kenneth Carey Cole                            RS21
Wilton Donald Cole                            RS24
Paul Robinson Coleman-Norton                  RS19
Charles C. Collingwood                        CFR/RS
Reginald Lansing Cook                         RS26
William Coburn Cook                           RS14
Henry Harrison Cooke                          RS21
Charles Bryant Coolidge                       RS20
Raymond Huntington Coon                       RS04
Andrew Vincent Corry                          RS27
Hugh B. Cox                                   RS27
Clayton Bion Craig                            RS26
Franzo Hazlett Crawford                       RS20
William Clark Crittenden                      RS04
Philip Dyer Crockett                          RS19
Neil Louis Crone                              RS25
Leonard Wolsey Cronkhite                      RS05
Toney Taylor Crooks                           RS10
Laurence Alden Crosby                         RS13
Clayton Edward Crosland                       RS10
Roscoe Cross                                  RS26
Weldon Frank Crossland                        RS13
Hugh Terry Cunningham                         RS/S&B 1934
Robert Newton Cunningham                      RS26
George Henry Curtis                           RS08
William Strong Cushing                        RS08
John Sherman Custer                           RS07
Edward Francis D'Arms                         RS25
R. D. Adams                                   RS 1962
Charles Wendell David                         RS08
Robert Franklin Davidson                      RS26
John Archibald V. Davies                      RS18
Arthur Kyle Davis, Jr.                        RS19
Elmer Holmes Davis                            RS10
Harold Hess Davis                             RS24
John Henry Davis                              RS20
Vest Davis                                    RS11
Wilburt Cornell Davison                       RS13
Oscar Fulton Davisson, Jr.                    RS20
Pete Dawkins                                  RS
John Philip Dawson                            RS24
Robert Jemison Van De Graaff                  RS25
James Quayle Dealey                           RS20
William Ray Dennes                            RS19
Harvey Bruce Densmore                         RS04
William Everett Derryberry                    RS28
Samuel Arthur Devan                           RS11
Alexander Coldough Dick                       RS17
Richard Lester Disney                         RS10
Arthur Brittan Doe                            RS13
McPherrin Hatfield Donaldson                  RS11
Hedley Williams Donovan                       BB/CFR/RS/TC
Joseph David Doty                             RS18
Edward Dubuisson                              RS21
Earl Meador Dunbar                            RS22
Richard William Dunlap                        RS17
Terry Colley Durham                           RS13
Clifford Judkins Durr                         RS18
Edward P. F. Eagan                            RS22
Clyde Eagleton                                RS14
Chester Verne Easum                           RS16
Edward Henry Eckel                            RS10
Thomas H. Edsall                              RS17
Corwin D. Edwards                             RS21
Samuel Ely Eliot                              RS05
Albert Russell Ellingwood                     RS10
William Yandell Elliott                       CFR/RS19
Paul Theodore Ellsworth                       RS22
Clyde Emery                                   RS21
Bryan England                                 RS18
Horace Bidwell English                        RS11
Newton Edward Ensign 			      RS05
Bergen Evans                                  RS28
Elwyn Evans                                   RS18
John King Fairbank        		      CFR/RS
James Fallows                                 RS
Larkin Hundley Farinholt 		      RS28
Leonard Eugene Farley 			      RS10
Lawrence William Faucett 		      RS16
George Adlai Feather 			      RS17
Francis de Leisseline Fergusson 	      RS23
Robert Michael Field, Jr. 		      RS21
William Luther Finger 			      RS16
Edwin Medbery Fitch 			      RS23
Alexander Green Fite 			      RS14
Esper Wayne Fitz                              RS11
William Alexander Fleet 		      RS04
Frank Cudworth Flint 			      RS19
William Willard Flint 			      RS14
Fitzgerald Flournoy 			      RS22
Francis Howard Fobes 	  		      RS04
Malcolm Fooshee                               RS22
Ebb James Ford                                RS05
Edwin Douglas Ford, Jr. 		      RS21
Herbert Giddens Ford 			      RS21
Carol Howe Foster                             RS05
Ralph Baxter Foster 			      RS13
Mowat Gjems Fraser                            RS21
William Coleman Frierson 		      RS20
Lucius Arnold Frye                            RS08
James William Fulbright 		      BB/RS25
John Farquhar Fulton 			      RS21
Marshall Nairne Fulton 			      RS19
William Monroe Gaddy 			      RS10
Frank Hoyt Gailor                             RS13
Frederic Russell Gamble 		      RS20
Richard Newton Gardner 			      CFR/RS/TC
Milan Wayne Garrett 			      RS20
Florien Preston Gass 			      RS24
Henry Markley Gass                            RS07
Caleb Frank Gates                             RS26
Cyrus Stokes Gentry 			      RS14
Ludwig Sherman Gerlough 		      RS11
Lucien Pinckard Giddens 		      RS28
Morrison Beall Giffen 			      RS08
George Hussey Gifford 			      RS13
Van Wagenen Gilson                            RS11
Lawrence Henry Gipson, Jr. 		      RS04
Charles Lucian Gleaves 			      RS28
Harold Sanford Glendening 		      RS19
John Lyles Glenn, Jr. 			      RS14
Albert Frank Gollnick 			      RS22
Robert Kent Gooch                             RS14
Paul Francis Good                             RS14
Eugene William Goodwillie 		      RS28
Axel Berg Gravern                             RS18
Charles Harold Gray 			      RS14
Franklin Dingwall Gray 			      RS25
Welser Sly Greathouse 			      RS24
William Chace Greene 			      RS22
William Chase Greene 			      RS11
Ernest Stacey Griffith 			      RS17
Farnham Pond Griffiths 			      RS07
Raymond Leonard Grismer 		      RS16
LaPenne J. Guenveur 			      RS17
Henry Alvin Gunderson 			      RS11
Richard Crocker Gurney 			      RS28
Robert Lee Gutherie 			      RS24
Lloyd Haberly                                 RS21
Roy Kenneth Hack                              RS05
Pat Haden                                     RS
Carl Haessler                                 RS11
Julian Lamar Hagen                            RS18
Robert Hale                                   RS10
Ford Poulton Hall                             RS22
Edward Billings Ham 			      RS23
George Earl Hamilton 			      RS04
Robert Patrick Hamilton 		      RS19
Thomas Jefferson Hamilton, Jr. 		      CFR/RS28
William Paul Hamilton 			      RS20
William Shacklett Hamilton 		      RS10
Mason Hammond                                 RS25
Virgil Melvin Hancher 			      RS18
Thomas Porter Hardman 			      RS08
Clarence Henry Haring 			      RS07
John Marshall Harlan  			      RS20
Joseph Barlow Harrison 			      RS10
Frank Walker Harrold 			      RS19
John L. J. Hart                               RS25
Ralph V. L. Hartley 			      RS10
Robert William Hartley 			      CFR/RS07
Paul Atkins Harwood 			      RS24
Paul Swain Havens                             RS25
Valentine Britton Havens 		      RS13
Charles Francis Hawkins 		      RS14
John David Hayes                              RS11
Woodford Agee Heflin 			      RS27
Robert Frederick Heilbron 		      RS27
Robert Graham Heiner 			      RS21
Roy Helm                                      RS11
William Clark Helmbold 			      RS28
Paul Kirby Hennessy 			      RS26
Robert Llewellyn Henry 			      RS04
Harold Brooks Hering 			      RS11
Francis Herkomer Herrick 		      RS23
Donald Grant Herring 			      RS07
Maxwell Haines Herriott 		      RS19
Rexford Brammer Hersey 			      RS17
Everett Way Highsmith 			      RS22
Howard Stevens Hilley 			      RS14
Henry Hinds                                   RS04
Hebbel Edward Hoff                            RS28
Milton J. Hoffman                             RS10
William Collar Holbrook  		      RS20
Wilbur Jennings Holleman 		      RS20
Emile Frederic Holman 			      RS14
Frank Ezekiel Holman 			      RS08
Harris Hazleton Holt 			      RS05
Benjamin Clark Holtzclaw 		      RS14
Paul Thomas Homan                             RS14
Earnest Albert Hooton 			      RS10
Clark Hopkins                                 RS17
John Vernon Hopkins                           RS21
Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck 			      CFR/RS04
Charles Horowitz                              RS27
Clinton Newton Howard 			      RS25
Ralph Merle Hower                             RS25
Paul Edgar Hubbell                            RS14
Edwin Powell Hubble 			      RS10
Grover Cleveland Huckaby 		      RS08
Harris Gary Hudson                            RS11
Lawrence Cameron Hull, Jr. 		      RS07
Benjamin Mayham Hulley                        RS17
Robert Lee Humber                             RS18
Theodore Carswell Hume 			      RS26
Joseph Tomlinson Hunt 			      RS21
George Hurley                                 RS07
Ralph Ernest Huston 			      RS23
Robert Lee Hyatt, Jr. 			      RS24
John Lee Hydrick                              RS08
William Strother Hynes 			      RS23
Walter Seff Isaacson 			      CFR/RS
Henry Richards Issacs 			      RS05
Raymond Harvey Jack 			      RS23
Everett Banfield Jackson 		      RS14
Joseph Hoyt Jackson 			      RS07
Albert Charles Jacobs 			      RS21
Baltzar Hans Jacobson 			      RS04
Alfred Proctor James 			      RS07
Walter Clarence Jepson 			      RS14
Louis Meredith Jiggits 			      RS19
Joel Marcus Johanson 			      RS04
Latimer Johns                                 RS16
Allen Sheppard Johnson 			      RS22
Francis Rarick Johnson 			      RS25
Warren Clifford Johnson 		      RS11
Wistar Wayman Johnson 			      RS08
Philip Harold Jones 			      RS18
Thomas Hawkins Jones 			      RS13
Wayne Clark Jordan                            RS07
Karl Karsten                                  RS11
Nicholas de Belleville Katzenbach 	      CFR/RS
Spurgeon Milton Keeny 			      RS16
Champness T. S. Keep                          RS28
Ballard Freese Keith                          RS08
Charles Alexander Keith                       RS07
Elmer Davenport Keith                         RS10
Alexander Peebles Kelso                       RS10
William Leamon Kendall                        RS04
Earl Heese Kennard                            RS08
Sinclair Kerby-Miller                         RS21
Edward Eugene Kern                            RS11
James Noel Keys                               RS13
George Vincent Kidder                         RS23
Paul Kieffer                                  RS04
Paul Clark Kimball                            RS27
Michael Kinsley                               RS
Arthur Lee Kinsolving                         RS20
James Holtzclaw Kirkpatrick                   RS04
Earl Kilburn Kline                            RS07
Clyde K. M. Kluckhohn                         RS28
Marshall Mason Knappen                        RS21
Alfons Ludwig Korn                            RS27
Jonathan Kozol                                RS
Russell Krauss                                RS23
Kris Kristofferson                            RS
William Kyle                                  RS13
Marc E. Lackritz                              RS
Benjamin Rice Lacy, Jr.                       RS07
Lincoln Sydnor Laffite                        RS13
Ray Loomis Lange                              RS10
Jakob A. O. Larsen                            RS11
Lawrence Keville Larson                       RS22
Robert Lasch                                  RS28
Frederick William Layman                      RS21
Otis Hamilton Lee                             RS24
John Morris Legendre                          RS26
Lawrence Brock Leighton                       RS25
Walter H. D. Lester                           RS22
Elliot Levitas                                RS
Solomon Lester Levy                           RS11
Ralph Ellerbeck Lewis                         RS20
Frank Chellis Light                           RS08
Edmond Earl Lincoln                           RS08
Ernest Kidder Lindley                         CFR/RS20
William Ezna Lingelbach, Jr.                  RS26
Norman Mather Littell                         RS20
Joseph Clyde Little                           RS17
Edwin Russell Lloyd                           RS05
Alain LeRoy Locke                             RS07
Preston Lockwood                              RS13
William Murray Lockwood                       RS28
Harlan DeBaun Logan                           RS28
Roger Sherman Loomis                          RS10
John Valentine Lovitt                         RS20
Walter Clay Lowdermilk                        RS11
Edward George Lowry, Jr.                      RS26
Richard G. Lugar                              RS
Cecil Kenyon Lyans                            RS10
Elias Lyman                                   RS11
Elijah Wilson Lyon                            RS25
Richard Ridgely Lytle                         RS14
Thomas Covington MacEachin                    RS23
Holbrook Mann MacNeille                       RS28
James Hervey Macomber, Jr.                    RS25
John Griffith Madden                          RS19
William Percy Maddox                          CFR/RS22
Ira Magaziner                                 RS J
William Joseph Maier, Jr.                     RS22
Alpheus Hyatt Major                           RS23
Terrence Malick                               RS
Charles Delahunt Manhaffie                    RS05
Ralph Conover Many                            RS05
Milo Leo March                                RS14
Arthur Henry Marsh                            RS05
Edward Sagendorph Mason                       BB/CFR/RS19
Edward Otis Mather                            RS27
Francis Otto Matthiessen                      S&B 1923/RS23
Thomas Franklin Mayo                          RS14
Davidson Rankin McBride                       RS18
Samuel Adams McCain                           RS27
Theodore Trimmier McCarley                    RS08
Thomas J. A. McClernan                        RS08
Shelby Thomas McCloy                          RS19
John Justin McDonough                         RS28
Myres Smith McDougal                          CFR/RS27
Edmund Robert McGill                          RS26
Franklin Pierce McGowan                       RS18
Earl Mason McGowin                            RS22
Andrew Douglas McHendrie                      RS28
John Roy McLane                               RS07
Furman Gordon McLarty                         RS27
Thomas Oscar McLaughlin                       RS18
McDougal Kenneth McLean                       RS10
Albert Lincoln McMillan                       RS20
Paul Banwell Means                            RS16
Thomas Means                                  RS11
Harold Guy Merriam                            RS04
John Lisgar Merrill                           RS24
Robert Valentine Merrill                      RS13
Arthur Bond Meservey                          RS08
Frederic Dan Metzger                          RS08
William Burt Millen                           RS08
Ben R. Miller                                 RS27
Douglas Phillips Miller                       RS16
Francis Pickens Miller                        CFR/RS19
Lewis Rex Miller                              RS16
Wilson Plumer Mills                           RS07
Edwin Mims, Jr.                               RS23
Frank Kirby Mitchell                          RS21
George Sinclair Mitchell                      RS26
Henry Sewall Mitchell                         RS05
Clark Leslie Mock                             RS19
John Edmonds Mock                             RS27
Henry Allen Moe                               RS19
Frank Martin Mohler                           RS05
Edwin Warren Moise                            RS11
Marvin Manley Monroe                          RS17
Arthur Prichard Moor                          RS20
Hudson Moore, Jr.                             RS27
Hugh Anderson Moran                           RS05
Brewster Bowen Morgan                         RS27
Christopher Morley                            RS10
Felix Muskett Morley                          RS17
Frank Vigor Morley                            RS19
Grover Cleveland Morris                       RS08
Willie Morris                                 RS
McKenn Fitch Morrow                           RS07
Edwin Fountain Moseley                        RS20
John Ohleyer Moseley                          RS17
Thomas Jefferson Mosley                       RS08
Baxter Merrill Mow                            RS14
Earle Walter Murray                           RS04
Milton Charles Nahm                           RS26
Vernon Nash                                   RS16
William Nash                                  RS28
John William Nason                            CFR/RS28
Harold Delmar Natestad                        RS17
Elbert Benjamin Naugle                        RS16
Claud Dalton Nelson                           RS10
David Theodore Nelson                         RS14
Parker Newhall                                RS16
Carl Elbridge Newton                          RS20
William Ichabod Nichols                       CFR/RS26
Edward Abbe Niles                             RS17
Emory Hamilton Niles                          RS13
Paul Nixon                                    RS04
George Bernard Noble                          RS13
George Whitefield Norvell                     RS07
Joseph Edwards Norwood                        RS21
Robert Logan Nugent                           RS23
Willis Dwight Nutting                         RS21
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.                            BB/CFR/RS/TC
John Burdon Ocheltree                         RS26
Joseph W. Ogle                                RS26
James M. D. Olmstead                          RS08
John Whipple Olmsted                          RS25
Archie Huston Ormond                          RS10
Alfred J. Orselli                             RS28
James Insley Osborne                          RS11
Chester Arthur Osler                          RS19
Calvin Jennings Overmyer                      RS19
Stephen Oxman                                 RS
Arthur Worthington Packard                    RS25
Thomas Myers Palmer                           RS18
Scott Hurtt Paradise                          RS14
Stanley Pargellis                             RS18
Charles S. Parker, Jr.                        RS27
Nathan Kuhns Parker                           RS26
Sherrow Glenn Parker                          RS23
Robert Beatty Patrick                         RS27
Francis Lester Patton                         RS13
John Robertson Paul                           RS13
William Hugh Peal                             RS22
William Armour Pearl                          RS16
Walden Pell II                                RS23
Wilder Graves Penfield                        RS14
Thomas Kenneth Penniman                       RS17
Haven Palmer Perkins                          RS23
Russell Holt Peters                           RS21
George Roberts Pfann                          RS26
Paul Eugene Pfuetze                           RS28
Claude Albert Pifer                           RS08
Charles Wooten Pipkin                         RS22
Raymond Clinton Platt                         RS05
David Richard Porter                          RS04
Edward Forrest Porter                         RS13
Allen Williams Post                           RS27
Levi Arnold Post                              RS13
Francis Marmaduke Potter                      RS08
Ira Chambers Powers                           RS19
John Howard Powers                            RS20
Larry Pressler                                RS
Benjamin Marsden Price                        RS04
Samuel Van Orden Prichard                     RS16
William Prickett                              RS14
George Ellsworth Putnam                       RS08
Harold Scott Quigley                          RS11
Lewellyn Gordon Railsback                     RS05
Franklin Delano Raines                        CFR/RS
Oscar Ripley Rand                             RS08
William Francis Raney                         RS10
John Crowe Ransom                             RS10
John Vickers Ray                              RS14
Allen Walker Read                             RS28
Amasa Kingsley Read                           RS04
Alfred Irvin Reese                            RS19
Robert Reich                                  RS J TC
Albert Graham Reid                            RS08
Frank Alfonso Reid                            RS08
Edwin Macdougall Rhea                         RS27
Owen Brooke Rhoads                            RS25
John Andrew Rice                              RS11
Philip Blair Rice                             RS25
James McDowell Richards                       RS23
Donovon MacNeely Richardson                   RS18
Roy M. D. Richardson                          RS16
Lawrence Howard Riggs                         RS13
Samuel Mayo Rinaker                           RS07
Edward Noel Roberts                           RS10
Arthur Clendenin Robertson                    RS28
Wallace Edward Robertson                      RS24
Thomas Ellis Robins                           RS04
Ordean Rockey                                 RS17
Jael Jackson Rodgers                          RS08
Bernard William Rogers                        CFR/RS
Frederick William Rogers                      RS14
William McMillan Rogers                       RS11
Athol Ewart Rollins                           RS05
Robert Vincent Roosa                          BB/CFR/RS
William Arthur Roseborough                    RS24
George Taylor Ross                            RS26
James Alexander Ross, Jr.                     RS22
Walt Whitman Rostow                           CFR/RS
Theodore Cedric Ruch                          RS28
Wyatt Rushton                                 RS16
David Dean Rusk                               RS
Dean Rusk                                     BB/CFR/RS
Franklin Ferriss Russell                      RS11
Stanley Israel Rypins                         RS14
Samuel Henry Sabin                            RS27
Joseph Wilfred Sagmaster                      RS25
Charles Eskridge Salzman                      RS25
Robert Shields Sams                           RS25
Walter Edward Sandelius                       RS18
Albert Godfrey Sanders                        RS07
Daniel Heckert Sanders                        RS22
Oris Edward Sandusky                          RS24
William Webster Sant                          RS14
Paul Sarbanes                                 RS
John Monk Saunders                            RS18
John Newton Schaeffer                         RS05
Ricyhard Schellens                            RS08
Bernadotte Everly Schmitt                     CFR/RS05
Warren Ellis Schutt                           RS04
Richard Scofield                              RS21
Robert Maxwell Scoon                          RS07
Lawrence A. L. Scott, Jr.                     RS28
Norman Dunsbee Scott                          RS16
Sarah Sewall                                  RS
Felix Ira Shaffner                            RS24
Seymour Sereno Sharp                          RS14
Robert Driscoll Shea                          RS23
Whitney Hart Shepardson                       CFR21/RS10
John Calvin Sherburne                         RS04
Lucius Rogers Shero                           RS14
John LeRoy Shipley                            RS11
Richard Frederick Sholtz                      RS04
Frederic John Siebert                         RS27
Walter Elmer Sikes                            RS19
Richard Harvey Simpson                        RS13
James Huntly Sinclair                         RS08
Murray Fontaine Skinker                       RS21
William Terrell Sledge                        RS25
Walter Slocombe                               RS
Abbott Emerson Smith                          RS28
Adam Smith                                    RS
Beverly Waugh Smith, Jr.                      RS20
DeWitt Hendee Smith                           RS27
Fred Manning Smith                            RS13
Fred Tredwell Smith                           RS16
Howard K. Smith                               RS
Joseph Earl Smith                             RS08
Matthew Glenn Smith                           RS11
Robert Aura Smith                             RS20
Samuel Stephenson Smith                       RS18
Conrad Edwin Snow                             RS13
Royall Henderson Snow                         RS22
Harold Williams Soule                         RS05
William Mode Spackman                         RS27
Daniel Parkhurst Spalding                     RS17
Sullivan Thorne Sparkman                      RS24
Clarence Arthur Spaulding                     RS08
George Frederick Spaulding                    RS13
Willard Learoyd Sperry                        RS04
Charles Eugene Springer                       RS27
Corydon Perry Spruill                         RS20
Woodson Spurlock                              RS22
Arthur Leonidas St. Clair                     RS07
James Hamilton St. John                       RS14
Donald Alfred Stauffer                        RS24
Harry Peyton Steger                           RS05
George Stephanopoulos                         BB/CFR/RS
Frederick Dorsey Stephens                     RS13
Robert Montgomery Stephenson                  RS16
Albert Mason Stevens                          RS05
Eugene Hendrix Stevenson                      RS18
William E. Stevenson                          CFR/RS22
Gilchrist Baker Stockton                      RS14
William Tennent Stockton                      RS08
Joseph Morgan Stokes                          RS27
Herbert Rowell Stolz                          RS10
William Warren Stratton                       RS13
Clarence Kirshman Streit                      RS18
Robert Parvin Strickler                       RS07
Carl Walther Strom                            RS24
William Alexander Stuart                      RS10
Winchester Stuart                             RS08
William Benjamin Stubbs                       RS18
George Wilfred Stumberg                       RS13
William Matthew Sullivan                      RS14
Frank Graham Swain                            RS13
Charles Benjamin Swartz                       RS11
Mack Buckley Swearingen                       RS24
Arthur Sylvester                              RS
Howard Alfred Taber                           RS10
Norman Stephen Taber                          RS13
Strobe Talbott                                CFR/RS/TC
Clark Tandy                                   RS04
Reuben Thorton Taylor                         RS16
Sheldon Tefft                                 RS24
Gamber Frederick Tegtmeyer                    RS24
Joseph Tetlie                                 RS10
William W. Thayer                             RS05
Earl Russell Thoenen                          RS24
Charles Wright Thomas                         RS22
Edward Trudeau Thomas                         RS23
George Ginger Thomas                          RS19
James R. Thomas                               RS07
Moyer Delwyn Thomas                           RS14
Quitman Underwood Thompson                    RS11
Alexander Thomson                             RS22
Lester C. Thurow                              RS/TC
John James Tigert                             RS04
Cornelius Alfred Tilghman                     RS26
Ben Tomlinson                                 RS07
James Alfred Tong                             RS18
Eugene Sumter Towles                          RS05
Hatton Dunnica Towson                         RS13
Henry Trantham                                RS05
Israel Treiman                                RS24
Newton Bradford Trenham                       RS21
Alexander Buel Trowbridge, Jr.                RS20
Frederick Gale Tryon                          RS16
Beverley Dandridge Tucker                     RS05
Edgar Turlington                              RS11
Stansfield Turner                             RS
Neal Tuttle                                   RS17
William Scott Unsworth                        RS08
Alan Chester Valentine                        CFR/RS22
Elmer Hoover Van Fleet                        RS17
Alexander Seymour Van Santvoord               RS20
George Van Stantvoord                         RS13
Douglas Van Steere                            RS35
William Scott Vaughn                          RS25
William Henry Verner                          RS04
Arthur Vidrine                                RS20
George Clark Vincent                          RS04
William Claude Vogt                           RS11
Guy Richard Vowles                            RS07
Thomas Henry Wade                             RS05
Frederick Thomas Wagner                       RS24
Coleman Carter Walker                         RS25
Franklin Dickerson Walker                     RS20
Benjamin Bruce Wallace                        RS04
Joseph Garfield Walleser                      RS04
Wilson Dallam Wallis                          RS07
Christopher Longstreth Ward, Jr.              RS21
Robert Hamilton Warren                        RS14
Robert Penn Warren                            RS28
Everett Franklin Warrington                   RS07
Samuel Walter Washington                      RS20
James Keir Watkins                            RS11
Walter B.C. Watkins                           RS28
Carl Jefferson Weber                          RS14
Dixon Wector                                  RS28
Philip Prentiss Werlein                       RS14
Allen Brown West                              RS07
John Deans Westermann                         RS25
Standish Weston                               RS25
Albert Kitchel Whallon                        RS07
Arthur Preston Whitaker                       CFR/RS17
Philip Wright Whitcomb                        RS11
Addison White                                 RS07
Byron ("Whizzer") White                	      RS
George Stevens Whitehead                      RS16
George Andrews Whiteley                       RS05
John C. R. Whiteley                           RS25
William Dwight Whitney                        RS19
Carlton Beebe Wicart                          RS26
Cyrus French Wicker                           RS07
Horace North Wilcox                           RS17
Theodore Stanley Wilder                       RS19
Ralph Claude Willard                          RS05
Charles Weston Williams                       RS19
Henry L. J. Williams                          RS08
John Milton Williams                          RS17
Paul Graves Williams                          RS13
William L. G. Williams                        RS10
George Findlay Willison                       RS18
Arthur McCandless Wilson                      RS24
Carroll Atwood Wilson                         RS08
Charles Chase Wilson                          RS07
James Herbert Wilson                          RS14
John Andrew Wilson                            RS23
Ralph Timothy Wilson                          RS18
Thomas James Wilson                           RS24
Stanley Mayhew Wilton                         RS10
Edward Jones Winans                           RS07
Shirley Townshend Wing                        RS07
James Horner Winston                          RS04
Jackson Thornwell Witherspoon                 RS23
John E. F. Wood                               RS27
Gordon Coleman Woodbury                       RS26
Carroll Hill Wooddy                           RS11
Herbert Brookhart Woodman                     CFR/RS27
Jay Walter Woodrow                            RS07
Millard Fillmore Woodrow                      RS07
Edward Pinckney Woodruff                      RS14
James Woolsey                                 CFR/RS
R. James Woolsey, Jr.                         CFR/RS
Joseph Washburn Worthen                       RS10
Harold Charles Wyman                          RS26
Stanley Yates                                 RS11
Hessel Edward Yntema                          RS14
Karl Egbert Young                             RS26
Paul Murray Young                             RS04
Jacob Van der Zee                             RS05
Charles Franlyn Zeek                          RS10
William Alexander Ziegler                     RS10