In a Thinking Mode



The delusion is real, thus the ego perpetuating delusion is the threat!



george greenville butler's catalogue

The Delusion Hides the Delusion!

Forgiveness - lessens humankind's delusional state, mending, healing, nurturing a community of love!

 Explaining a Point!

Mr. Butler spent three years in the Army Security Agency the last year in West Berlin, Germany, where he witnessed the vulgarities and cruelties of the Berlin Wall. Today he speaks out about preserving our rights. His musical drama GIVE THEM A CHANCE  speaks about giving our children a chance but also vehemently reflects present struggles and echoes warnings from the past that must not be ignored. 

Playwright  - george's musical opened in July 2007!

GIVE THEM A CHANCE - a musical dedicated to children

What's it about? - is a musical drama about three young adults who have conflicts with authority figures in their lives, run ins with one another. They slowly come to realize through their trails and tribulations that their freedoms and liberties are in danger and as  result of their experiences they call for the tearing down of all tyrants and the raising up of Democracies through-out the world. A dramatic ending awaits with clarifications, resolutions inspirational and calls for action.

..........this musical was originally conceived and written as a simple journey of three children through a school year but a little over a year ago before my mother's death I re-wrote and re-named this musical and again dedicated this musical not only to children but the freedom and liberty of not only all Americans but all people in the world. "The delusion is real" this is mankind's greatest and oldest problem, men suffer under the ability to exist in a deep delusional state due to their ability to abstract whatever they want to, this ability can bring beautiful creations to the world but on the other hand most men support what is wrong within  themselves becoming back actors, acting out not their own true selves but acting out others wills. Forgiveness frees us from this mechanism.

We must free our children from our own failures in not seeing ourselves and the world as we should!

Literary Works

BE GOOD TO YOURSELF! - this book is about healing and forgiveness
CHRISTMAS STORIES: and Christmas Carols, this is ideal for Christmas Parties and a take home Christmas gift for guests
DIVINE LESSONS - Divine Teachings
THE HOME-LESS DUCK - Short story

Education Insights  - THE NEW SCHOOL  - Freedom Through Enlightenment

A small piece of the new school would begin with......The new school would be a school where freemen would study the history of education and the many reasons and misuses of schools and education. This would logically come at the beginning of the school session and be fleshed out through out the enlightenment process.

Poetry & Memorial Contributions

TIANANMEN SQUARE - sacrifices changing China forever!
AFGHAN SNOWS - poem written to commemorate the retaking of Afghanistan by Afghan freedom fighters after driving the Soviets out.

Musical Works

LIGHT DREAMS - a song dedicated to the Challenger Crew


QUOTES - a few quotes to think about along the way

Radio Broadcasting 

The Secret Truth -

World Review Commentary -

Web casting

LiveOnLocation.TV  -

Scientific Theories

TIME DYNAMISM - Butler's Gen. Theory of Time & Perspective

World Movement

C.O.O.IT. - The ego perpetuating delusion is the threat!.

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