By Eric Samuelson, J.D.

Name                                                        Associations

Dean Gooderham Acheson                   BB/CFR          
Theodore C. Achilles                     BB/CFR          
Umberto Agnelli                          BB              
Paul Arthur Allaire                      BB/CFR/TC       
Graham Tillety Allison, Jr.              BB/CFR/TC       
Joaquim Ferreira Amaral                  BB              
Robert Orville Anderson                  BB/CFR          
Dwayne Orville Andreas                   BB/CFR/TC       
Michael Hayden Armacost                  BB/CFR/TC       
Jacob A. Ashberg                         BB              
Anders Aslund                            BB              
F.D. Aster                               BB              
George Wildman Ball                      BB/CFR          
Francisco Pinto Balsemao                 BB              
Walworth Barbour                         BB              
Percy Barnevik                           BB              
Robert Leroy Bartley                     BB/CFR/TC       
Robert Leroy Bartley                     BB/CFR/TL       
Evan Bayh                                BB              
Frederick Sessions Beebe                 BB/CFR          
David E. Bell                            BB/CFR          
Elliott Vance Bell                       BB/CFR          
George W. Bell                           BB              
Douglas J. Bennet, Jr.                   BB              
Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.                    BB/CFR          
Fritz Berg                               BB              
Samuel Richard ("Sandy") Berger          BB/CFR JZ       
C. Fred Bergsten                         BB/CFR/TC       
Adolph A. Berle, Jr.                     BB              
Franco Bernabe                           BB              
Prince Bernard                           BB              
Richard Bernstein                        BB              
Barry Bingham                            BB              
M. Nurl Birgi                            BB              
Lajos Bkokros                            BB              
Conrad Black                             BB/TC           
Eugene Robert Black                      BB/CFR          
Robert D. Blackwill                      BB              
Robert Blum                              BB              
Richard Bolling                          BB              
Michael Jay Boskin                       BB              
Robert Richardson Bowie                  BB/CFR/TC       
Charles G. Boyd                          BB              
John Brademas                            BB/CFR/RS/TC    
Nicholas Frederick Brady                 BB/CFR          
Karl Brandt                              BB              
Kingman Brewster, Jr.                    BB/CFR          
Edward W. Brooke                         BB/CFR          
Irving Brown                             BB/CFR          
John Browne                              BB              
David K. E. Bruce                        BB/CFR          
John H. Bryan                            BB/TC           
Zbigniew Brzezinski                      BB/CFR/TC       
William Frank Buckley, Jr.               BB/S&B 1950/CFR 
McGeorge Bundy                           BB/CFR/S&B 1940 
W. Randolph Burgess                      BB/CFR          
Louis Wellington Cabot                   BB/CFR          
Miriam Camps                             BB              
Peter Rupert Carrington                  BB/TC           
Clifford Philip Case                     BB/CFR          
James Chace                              BB/CFR          
John Hubbard Chafee                      BB/S&B 1947/TC  
Hakon Christianson                       BB              
Walter Ciser                             BB              
Walter Lee Cisler                        BB              
Kenneth Clarke                           BB              
Kristin Clement                          BB              
Harlan B. Cleveland                      BB/CFR/RS       
Harold Van B. Cleveland                  BB/CFR          
William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton         BB/CFR/RS/TC    
David Lee Cole                           BB              
John S. Coleman                          BB              
Emelio Gabriel Collado                   BB              
Bertrand Collomb                         BB              
Pierre Commin                            BB              
Karl T. Compton                          BB              
Donald C. Cook                           BB/CFR          
B.D. Cooke                               BB              
Richard Newell Cooper                    BB/CFR/TC       
Lammont du Pont Copeland                 BB/CFR          
Jon Corazine                             BB              
Andrew Wellington Cordier                BB/CFR          
E. Gerald Corrigan                       BB/CFR/TC       
Ramon C. Cortines                        BB              
Jon Stevens Corzine                      BB              
Gardner Cowles                           BB/CFR          
Joao Cravinho                            BB              
Devon Cross                              BB/CFR          
Charles H. Dallara                       BB/CFR          
Kenneth W. Dam                           BB/CFR          
George A. David                          BB              
Etienne Davignon                         BB              
Lynn E. Davis                            BB/CFR/TC       
John A.D. de Chastelain                  BB              
David de Pury                            BB              
Edmond de Rothschild                     BB              
Lodewijk J.R. de Vink                    BB              
Arthur Hobson Dean                       BB/CFR21        
Frederick Lewis Deming                   BB/CFR          
John M. Deutch                           BB/TC           
Thomas Edmund Dewey                      BB/CFR          
John Diebold                             BB/CFR          
C. Douglas Dillon                        BB/CFR          
Christopher J. Dodd                      BB/CFR          
Joseph N. Dodge                          BB              
Thomas E. Donilon                        BB/CFR          
Hedley Williams Donovan                  BB/CFR/RS/TC    
Allen Welsh Dulles                       BB/CFR          
Theodore Lyman Eliot, Jr.                BB              
Gazi Ercel                               BB              
Sedat Ergin                              BB              
Fritz Erler                              BB              
Mike Espy                                BB              
Diane Feinstein                          BB/J/TC         
Martin Stuart Feldstein                  BB/CFR/TC       
John Henry Ferguson                      BB/CFR          
Thomas Knight Finletter                  BB/CFR          
Stanley Fischer                          BB/TC           
Ralph Edward Flanders                    BB              
James J. Florio                          BB              
Thomas Stephen Foley                     BB/CFR/TC       
Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.                 BB/CFR          
Henry Ford II                            BB              
Lynn Forester                            BB              
William Chapman Foster                   BB/CFR          
Max Frankel                              BB/CFR J        
Felix Frankfurter                        BB/CFR J        
Donald Frazer                            BB              
Charles W. Freeman, Jr.                  BB              
Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen                 BB/CFR          
Paolo Fresco                             BB/TC           
Stephen James Friedman                   BB/CFR/TC       
Thomas L. Friedman                       BB/CFR/TC       
James William Fulbright                  BB              
James William Fulbright                  BB/RS           
Hauge Gabriel                            BB/CFR          
Orit Gadiesh                             BB              
Cornelius E. Gallagher                   BB              
John Rogers Galvin                       BB              
Dean De La Garde                         BB              
Jeane de la Garde                        BB              
Robert L. Gardner                        BB/CFR          
David Richmond Gergen                    BB/CFR/TC       
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.                   BB/CFR/TC       
Louis Gestner                            BB              
Francesco Giavazzi                       BB              
Harry D. Gideonse                        BB/CFR          
Herbert Giersch                          BB              
Paul Gigot                               BB              
Roswell Leavitt Gilpatric                BB/CFR          
Agnelli Giovanni                         BB              
Peter C. Godsoe                          BB              
Clinton S. Golden                        BB              
Andrew Jackson Goodpaster                BB/CFR          
Abraham Lincoln Gordon                   BB              
Lincoln Gordon                           BB/CFR          
Joseph T. Gorman                         BB/CFR/TC       
William T. Gossett                       BB              
Donald Edward Graham                     BB              
Katherine Graham                         BB/CFR/TC J     
Frank H. G. Grave                        BB              
Maurice ("Hank") R. Greenberg            BB/CFR/TC       
Eduardo Marcal Grilo                     BB              
Marc Grossman                            BB              
Alfred M. Gruenther                      BB/CFR          
Henry Anatole Grunwald                   BB/CFR          
Collins Gubbins                          BB              
John J. Gunther                          BB/CFR          
Lawrence R. Hafstad                      BB              
Chuck Hagel                              BB              
Jens Christian Hague                     BB              
Victor Halberstadt                       BB              
Lee Herbert Hamilton                     BB/TC           
Fred R. Harris                           BB              
Joseph Close Harsch                      BB/CFR          
Arthur A. Hartman                        BB/CFR          
Gabriel Hauge                            BB/CFR          
Brooks Hays                              BB/CFR          
Brooks Hays                              BB              
Denis Healey                             BB              
Tom C. Hedelius                          BB              
Arnold D.P. Heeney                       BB              
Per Egil Hegge                           BB              
Michael A. Heilperin                     BB/CFR          
Henry John Heinz II                      BB/CFR/S&B 1931 
Peter A. Herrndorf                       BB              
Christian Archibald Herter               BB/CFR          
Theodore Martin Hesberg                  BB/CFR/TC       
Theodore Martin Hesburgh                 BB/CFR/TC       
William Alexander Hewitt                 BB/CFR/TC       
Bourke Blakemore Hickenlooper            BB              
Jim Hoagland                             BB              
Harold K. Hochschild                     BB/CFR          
Westye Hoegh                             BB              
Paul Gray Hoffman                        BB/CFR          
Stanley Hoffman                          BB/CFR          
James Fulton Hoge, Jr.                   BB/CFR/TC       
Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke         BB/CFR/TC       
Chet Holifield                           BB              
Donald Frederick Horning                 BB              
Robert W. Huber                          BB              
Thomas Lowe Hughes                       BB/CFR          
Robert Edward Hunter                     BB/CFR          
Jan Huyghebaert                          BB              
Donald J. Irwin                          BB              
Wolfgang Ischinger                       BB              
Otmar Issing                             BB              
C.D. Jackson                             BB              
Henry M. Jackson                         BB              
William Harding Jackson                  BB              
Jacob K. Javits                          BB/CFR/J        
Nelson Dean Jay                          BB/CFR          
Peter Charles Jennings                   BB              
J. Bennett Johnson                       BB              
James Arthur Johnson                     BB              
Joseph Esrey Johnson                     BB/CFR          
Vernon Eulion Jordan, Jr.                BB/CFR/TC       
Peter Robert Kahn                        BB/CFR J        
Nikolai Kamov                            BB              
Peter R. Kann                            BB              
Milton Katz                              BB/CFR          
Carl Kaysen                              BB/CFR          
George F. Keenan                         BB              
George F. Kennan                         BB/CFR          
David Michael Kennedy                    BB              
Jefferson Ward Kenner                    BB              
Kurt Kiesinger                           BB              
Robert M. Kimmitt                        BB              
Suna Kirac                               BB              
Henry Alfred Kissinger                   BB/CFR/TC J     
Antonie T. Knoppers                      BB/CFR          
Hilmar Kopper                            BB              
Joseph Kraft                             BB/CFR          
Yannos Kranidiotis                       BB              
Henry R. Kravis                          BB/CFR          
Marie-Josee Kravis                       BB/TC           
Wiliam Kristol                           BB              
William Kristol                          BB              
Peter F. Krogh                           BB              
Thomas William Lamont                    BB/CFR21        
Eric Le Boucher                          BB              
Erkki Leekanen                           BB              
Jan Leschly                              BB              
Walter James Levy                        BB/CFR          
William W. Lewis                         BB              
Franklin Anthony Lindsay                 BB/CFR          
Lawrence Litchfield, Jr.                 BB              
Edward Littlejohn                        BB              
Imbriani Longo                           BB              
Charles Edwin Lord                       BB/S&B 1949     
Winston Bao Lord                         BB/S&B 1959/TC  
Isador Lubin                             BB/CFR          
Henry Robinson Luce                      BB/CFR/S&B 1920 
Roy MacLaren                             BB/TC           
Margaret O. MacMillan                    BB              
William S. Maillard                      BB              
Peter Mandelson                          BB              
Edwin McCammon Martin, Jr.               BB              
Edward S. Mason                          BB/CFR          
Jessica (Tuchman) Mathews                BB/CFR          
Charles McCormick Mathias, Jr.           BB/CFR          
Jack Foust Matlock, Jr.                  BB              
Jessica Tuchman Matthews                 BB              
Charles William Maynes                   BB/CFR          
John Jay McCloy                          BB/CFR          
David J. McConald                        BB              
James McCormack, Jr.                     BB/CFR          
Paul Winston McCracken                   BB/CFR/TC       
David J. McDonald                        BB              
William J. McDonough                     BB/CFR          
Gale W. McGee                            BB/CFR          
George C. McGee                          BB/CFR          
George Crews McGhee                      BB/CFR          
Ralph E. McGill                          BB              
Richard A. McGinn                        BB              
Donald F. McHenry                        BB/CFR          
David McLaughlin                         BB              
Robert Strange McNamara                  BB/CFR/TC       
John T. McNaughton                       BB/CFR          
Vasco Mello                              BB              
Alex W. Menne                            BB              
Gerald A. Mestallet                      BB              
Gerard A. Mestrallet                     BB              
R. John Mickletwait                      BB              
Charles D. Miller                        BB              
Ihor Mityukov                            BB              
Dominique Moisi                          BB              
Walter Fritz Mondale                     BB/CFR/TC       
A. S. Mike Monroney                      BB              
Mario Monti                              BB              
F. Bradford Morse                        BB              
Philip E. Mosley                         BB              
Bill D. Moyers                           BB/CFR          
Charles W. Muller                        BB              
Robert Daniel Murphy                     BB/CFR          
Francisco Murteira Nabo                  BB              
Frank C. Nash                            BB              
Matthias Nass                            BB              
Alfred C. Neal                           BB/CFR          
George Nebolsine                         BB              
Queen of the Netherlands                 BB              
John Newhouse                            BB/CFR          
Paul Henry Nitze                         BB/CFR          
Lauris Norstad                           BB/CFR          
Sam Nunn                                 BB              
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.                       BB/CFR/RS/TC    
David Oddsson                            BB              
Andrzej Olechowski                       BB              
Jorman Ollila                            BB              
Tommasco Padoa-Shioppa                   BB              
John M. Page, Jr.                        BB              
Cola G. Parker                           BB              
Israel Helphand Parvus                   BB              
Morehead Patterson                       BB/S&B 1920     
Frederick B. Payne                       BB/CFR          
Lester Pearson                           BB              
Aurelio Peccei                           BB              
Arno A. Penzias                          BB              
Werner A. Perger                         BB              
George William Perkins II                BB              
James Alfred Perkins                     BB/CFR          
William James Perry                      BB/TC           
Howard C. Petersen                       BB/CFR          
Rudolph A. Peterson                      BB              
Thomas Reeve Pickering                   BB/CFR          
Gerald Piel                              BB/CFR          
Emanuel Rubin Piore                      BB              
Norman Podhoretz                         BB/CFR          
Karl Otto Pohl                           BB              
Jonathan Porritt                         BB              
Colin L. Powell                          BB/CFR          
Clyde V. Prestowitz                      BB              
Don K. Price                             BB/CFR          
Joel McFee Pritchard                     BB              
Alessandro Profumo                       BB              
William Bauer Quandt                     BB              
Isidor Isaaac Rabi                       BB/CFR          
Gerhard Randa                            BB              
Steven L. Rattner                        BB/CFR          
John Shed Reed                           BB/CFR          
James Barrett Reston                     BB/CFR          
J.H. Retinger                            BB              
Henry Reuss                              BB/CFR          
Walter Philip Reuther                    BB              
William R. Rhodes                        BB/CFR          
Bill Richardson                          BB              
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgeway                BB/CFR/TC       
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgway                 BB/CFR/TC       
Donald W. Riegle                         BB              
Henry Lithgow Roberts                    BB/CFR          
Charles Wesley Robinson                  BB/CFR/TC       
David Rockefeller                        BB/CFR/TC       
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller               BB/CFR          
Sharon Percy Rockefeller                 BB              
Inciarte Matias Rodriquez                BB              
Mauricio Rojas                           BB              
Eric Roll                                BB              
Robert Vincent Roosa                     BB/CFR/RS       
Bjorn Rosengren                          BB              
Eugene Victor Rostow                     BB/CFR          
Donald Henry Rumsfeld                    BB/CFR          
Dean Rusk                                BB/CFR/RS       
John T. Ryan, Jr.                        BB/CFR          
Ricardo E.S. Salgado                     BB              
Charles E. Saltzman                      BB/CFR          
Jorge Sampaio                            BB              
Paul Anthony Samuelson                   BB              
Nicolau Santos                           BB              
Robert A. Scalapino                      BB/CFR          
Rudolf Scharping                         BB              
Ad J. Scheepbouwer                       BB              
Jurgen E. Schempp                        BB              
Richard Schenz                           BB              
Adolph William Schmidt                   BB/CFR          
Helmut Schmidt                           BB              
William F. Schnitzler                    BB              
Rudolf Scholten                          BB              
Klaus Schwab                             BB              
Pierre-Paul Schweitzer                   BB              
Hugh Scott                               BB              
Brent Scowcraft                          BB/CFR/TC       
Toger Seidenfaden                        BB              
John S. R. Shad                          BB              
Robert B. Shapiro                        BB              
Jack Sheinkman                           BB/CFR          
Lillia Shevtsova                         BB              
Marshall D. Shulman                      BB/CFR          
Artur Santos Silva                       BB              
Thomas W. Simons, Jr.                    BB              
Howard Page Smith                        BB              
Walter ("Bettle") Bedell Smith           BB              
Nancy E. Soderberg                       BB/CFR          
Pedro Mira Solbes                        BB              
Helmut Sonnenfeldt                       BB/CFR/TC       
George Soros                             BB/CFR          
Joseph P. Spang, Jr.                     BB              
John Sparkman                            BB              
Charles Merville Spofford                BB/CFR/S&B 1924 
Lesley R. Stahl                          BB              
J. L. S. Steele                          BB              
James B. Steinberger                     BB              
George Stephanopoulos                    BB/CFR/RS       
Adlai Ewing Stevenson III                BB/CFR          
Dirk U. Stikker                          BB              
Shepard Stone                            BB/CFR          
Arthur Hays Sulzberger                   BB/CFR/J        
Cyrus L. Sulzberger                      BB/CFR          
Lawrence H. Summers                      BB/CFR          
Gyorgy Suranyi                           BB              
J. Martin Taylor                         BB              
G. Richard Thoman                        BB/CFR          
John L. Thorton                          BB              
Dmitri V. Trenin                         BB              
Jean-Claude Trichet                      BB              
Alexander J. Trotman                     BB              
Pierre Trudeau                           BB              
John Wills Tuthill                       BB              
Laura D'Andrea Tyson                     BB/CFR/TC       
Paul van Zeeland                         BB              
Matti Vanhala                            BB              
Pentti Vartia                            BB              
Daniel L. Vaselta                        BB              
Thanos M. Veremis                        BB              
Raymond Vernon                           BB/CFR          
Alice Victor                             BB              
Ezra F. Vogel                            BB              
John W. Vogt                             BB              
Paul Adolph Volker                       BB/CFR/TC       
Otto Wolf von Amerongen                  BB              
John M. Voreys                           BB              
Franz Vranitzky                          BB              
Lodewijk J. Waal                         BB              
Marcus Wallenberg                        BB              
Eric M. Warburg                          BB/CFR          
Sidney James Weinberg                    BB              
Stanley A. Weiss                         BB              
John Cunningham Whitehead                BB/CFR/TC       
Christine Todd Whitman                   BB              
Thomas Grey Wicker                       BB              
Krister Wickman                          BB              
Siegmund Widmer                          BB              
Brayton Wilbur, Jr.                      BB/CFR          
Francis O. Wilcox                        BB/CFR          
Frazar B. Wilde                          BB/CFR          
Lawrence Douglas Wilder                  BB              
Alexander Wiley                          BB              
Nils Wilhjelm                            BB              
Lynn Russell Williams                    BB              
Michael Wilson                           BB/CFR          
Grant F. Winthrop                        BB              
Hans-Jurgen Wischnewski                  BB              
Frank G. Wisner II                       BB/CFR          
James D. Wofensohn                       BB/CFR          
Albert Wohlstetter                       BB/CFR          
Martin Wolf                              BB              
James David Wolfensohn                   BB/CFR          
Paul D. Wolfowitz                        BB/CFR/TC       
Adrian D. Wooldridge                     BB              
Manfred Worner                           BB              
Patrick Wright                           BB              
Walter Bigelow Wriston                   BB/CFR          
Casimir A. Yost                          BB/CFR          
Erkut Yucaoglu                           BB              
Michael Zantousky                        BB              
James D. Zellerbach                      BB              
Norbert Zimmermann                       BB              
Robert B. Zoellick                       BB/CFR/TC       
Minos Zombanakis                         BB              
Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman              BB/CFR J        

*References include Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., Who's Who of The Elite (December 1995). The years covered by Ross (from the Spotlight) were: 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1991, 1994 and 1995. This list also includes 1996, 1997 and 1998 BB lists obtained from the Web. The 1998 CFR Annual Report was used for some of the "CFR" designations. Non-U.S. BB are primarily from 1999 WorldNetDaily list. Additions, biographical information or corrections welcomed.

Key to Abbreviations:

BB=Bilderberger              CFR=Council on Foreign Relations              J=Jewish          RS=Rhodes Scholar    S&B=Skull and Bones (Yale)    TC=Trilaterial Commission    Z=Zionist (tentative and incomplete)